Finding North values feedback from people who use our services or interacts with us. We are dedicated to making our service better and improving over time. All feedback and complaints we get will be handled in a way that is fair and respectful. We will support your right to make a complaint.
What is a Complaint?
A complaint is when tell us you are unhappy with something. This could include Finding North services, staff or procedures.
What is Feedback?
Feedback is a suggestion or compliment. This could include things that Finding North are doing well or could improve.
How to provide feedback
- Speak to a Finding North employee
- Phone (07) 2145 7332
- In writing at PO BOX 3786, South Brisbane QLD 4101
- Email
- Online form (below)
Making an anonymous complaint
You can make an anonymous complaint. We will still handle your complaint in line with our policy. However, we might not be able to fully work out the issue if we cannot contact you for more information.
Feedback and Complaints Form
"*" indicates required fields
The Complaint Journey

What we do once we get a complaint
We will recognise your complaint and tell you the next steps within two business days
What you can expect after the complaint is investigated
- We will aim to provide you with a solution within seven business days
- Sometimes we may need further review from a senior manager. If this is the case, we will aim to provide a decision within 30 days.
- We will regularly keep you updated and provide a written response of our decision.
Where to go if you aren’t happy with how we handled your complaint
Finding North is an initiative of the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia (MIFA).
If you are unhappy with how Finding North has handled your complaint or the outcome, you can contact:
- MIFA Project Director
- MIFA Chief Executive Officer
- MIFA Board
- External agency
Your privacy
All information shared by you remains confidential. We will log your complaint in an internal complaints and feedback register. All personal information is de-identified and helps us improve our services. You can read more about our privacy policy here.