Arahni Sont holds a B.Ec, an MBA and is a graduate of the AICD. She has held senior roles in Australia and overseas in finance and marketing and served on eight Boards as a non-executive Director. Arahni advised two recent technology start-ups: MABLE (care platform) and Centro ASSIST (NDIS compliance software).
Caring for her son with special needs led Arahni to become a passionate and respected representative and advocate in the areas of disability, mental health and carer issues. For many years, she was a Carer Representative for Carers NSW, Mental Health Australia’s “National Register”, and the NDIA’s Mental Health Sector Reference Group. In 2011, Arahni was a recipient of the NSW Carers Awards, issued by NSW Department of Family and Community Services.
Arahni is currently on the Carer Reference Group for One Door Mental Health. She has been recognised by ASPECT (Autism Australia), NSW Carers Aware and the University of NSW for her contributions to community.