Calm Harm provides tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self harm. You can add your own tasks too and it’s completely private and password protected.
The urge to self-harm is like a wave. It feels the most powerful when you start wanting to do it.
Join over 2 million users and learn to ride the wave with the free Calm Harm app by choosing activities from these categories: Comfort, Distract, Express Yourself, Release, and Random.
There is also a breathing technique to help be mindful and stay in the moment, regulate difficult emotions and reduce tension.
When you ride the wave, the urge to self-harm will fade.
Calm Harm is an award-winning app developed for teenage mental health charity stem4 by Clinical Psychologist Dr. Nihara Krause, in collaboration with young people, using principles from the evidence-based Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). It is built to NHS standards and approved by ORCHA.
Calm Harm provides some immediate techniques to help break the cycle of self-harm behaviours and explore underlying trigger factors; build a ‘safety net’ of helpful thoughts, behaviours and access to supportive people; and provides the opportunity to journal and self-reflect. It also provides signposts to help.
The Calm Harm app is private, anonymous and safe.