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A Conversation with Barb – Finding My North

Barb Hill is a survivor and mental health advocate. Barb’s journey has included traumatic childhood experiences, domestic violence and the devastating loss of her daughter to SIDS. Due to grief, Barb battled with addiction and a profound sense of failure. But it was when Barb was admitted to a mental health hospital that things began…

Rachael’s Story

Who am I? A simple question, yet one that most of us cannot answer with certainty, especially those of us who fight mental health battles. At various points throughout my 21 years, I have based my identity on an array of specific metrics and labels. My grades, my academic rank, my diagnoses, the ways I…

A Girl We’ll Call “D”: Navigating Complex PTSD

Content Warning: The following content may be distressing for some readers and includes references to sexual abuse, including in childhood, and physical violence. The story I will share is my own, a story of a 30 something year old woman, living with Complex PTSD, which I’ll shorten to C-PTSD, and having lived with it since…


A mental health resource designed by young people, for young people. For young people seeking help and those wanting to support them.


Alt2Su (Alternatives to Suicide) provides peer-based support to people who have experienced thoughts of suicide and suicide survivors.

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