You may be on this page because you are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or you want to support someone with thoughts of suicide.
Here you will find:
- Information and videos from people who have similar experiences,
- Contact details for each state for support, and
- Links to suicide support and information resources
Content Warning
The following content includes real stories of people who have experienced thoughts of suicide or attempted to end their lives. We share real stories as many people find these helpful to know they aren’t alone and to hear about how other people navigated these challenges.
If you or someone you care about is at immediate risk of harm, call Triple Zero (000)
I am experiencing thoughts of suicide
If you’re thinking about suicide, your pain may seem overwhelming and permanent. But there are ways to cope with suicidal thoughts and feelings and overcome the pain.
It’s not uncommon for people to experience these thoughts, and while the journey may vary for each person, many have found a path toward healing. It’s important to remember that even though the pain may feel endless, it is temporary. No matter what your situation is, there are people who care about you, you are not alone.
During these challenging times, there are also things you can do to help you get through, people you can speak to, and resources and tools that may be right for you at this time.
Visit Roses in the Ocean to hear from suicide-survivors or read on to see what next steps you can explore.
How can I help myself right now?
If you require immediate assistance, please call 000 or visit the emergency help pages below for direct contacts in your state or territory.
If it is not an emergency explore who you can talk to by clicking on “talk to someone now”.
For additional support options in the state or territory you live in click “explore service options”.
If you or someone you know is in crisis
If you are worried you may harm yourself or someone else, or need immediate help for someone else in this situation:
Please call 000If you are in distress
Other helplines
- Beyond Blue | 1300 22 4636
- Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counseling | 1800 011 046
- MensLine Australia | 1300 78 99 78
- Defence All Hours Support Line | 1800 628 036
- QLife | 1800 184 527
- 13YARN| 13 92 76
Please select a state you live in
Suicide Call Back Service. Free professional telephone counselling & online chat available at suicidecallbackservice.org.au
Available 24/7
1800RESPECT Domestic Violence Counselling & Support Line. Online Chat at 1800respect.org.au or SMS on 0458 737 732
Available 24/7
13YARN First Nations Peoples Crisis Support Line. Call to talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter
Available 24/7
Defence All Hours Telephone Support Line. For Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and their families
Available 24/7
Access Mental Health Line. For people who have concerns about their own, or someone else’s mental health
Available 24/7
Canberra Head to Health. Phone, request a call canberraheadtohealth.com.au, or email at canberraheadtohealth.com.au
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 8.30am-4:30pm.. Tuesday & Thursday (extended hours): 8:30am-6:30pm
NSW Hospital and Health Services State-wide Mental Health Line. Speak to a trained Mental Health Professional
Available 24/7
Head to Health. Phone to find your nearest centre. Support through Head to Health centres is free. No appointment or GP referral is required.
Hours vary.
NT Mental Health Line. For people who have concerns about their own, or someone else’s mental health. Speak to a trained mental health professional.
Available 24/7
Darwin Head to Health. Mental health and wellbeing support. Call, walk-in (16 Scaturchio St, Casuarina.), or email DarwinHeadtoHealth@neaminational.org.au
Monday to Friday 10 am -10 pm and Weekends 12 pm Midday to 8 pm.
1300 MH Call. A confidential mental health telephone triage service providing information, advise and referral.
Available 24/7
Head to Health. Phone to find your nearest centre. Support through Head to Health centres is free. No appointment or GP referral is required.
Hours vary.
SA Mental Health Triage. A confidential mental health telephone service, staffed by mental health clinicians, providing information, advise and referral.
Available 24/7
Urgent Mental Health Care Centre (UMHCC) located at 215 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, offers an alternative to presenting at hospital Emergency Departments for a mental health crisis.
Available 24/7
Head to Health. Phone to find your nearest centre. Support through Head to Health centres is free. No appointment or GP referral is required.
Hours vary.
LETSS Lived Experience Telephone Support Service (Adelaide Metro)
5pm and 11:30pm, 365 days a year
Access Mental Health- Helpline Triage offering phone counselling, information and referral.
9am - 10pm
Head to Health. Phone to find your nearest centre. Support through Head to Health centres is free. No appointment or GP referral is required.
Hours vary.
Victoria Psychiatric Triage providing an initial assessment and identifies whether a person needs further assessment or referral.
Available 24/7
Geelong Head to Health. Call or walk-in at 8 Station Street, Norlane
Monday–Friday, 12pm–9pm and Saturday–Sunday/public holidays, 1pm – 6pm
Rurallink - An after-hours telephone service for people in rural and regional WA experiencing a mental health crisis
Weeknights 4:30pm-8:30pm / 24hrs on Weekends and Public Holidays
Peel -Mental Health Emergency Response Line. Call to speak with a trained mental health clinician. Callers referred to acute response teams.
Available 24/7
TTY - Mental Health Emergency Response Line.Call to speak with a trained mental health clinician. Callers referred to acute response teams.
Available 24/7
Metro - Mental Health Emergency Response Line. Call to speak with a trained mental health clinician. Callers referred to acute response teams.
Available 24/7
Perth Midland head to health. Phone or walk-in for Immediate or short to medium term support.
10am - 8pm
Head to Health. Phone to find your nearest centre. Support through Head to Health centres is free. No appointment or GP referral is required.
Hours vary.
Please select a state you live in
Service Options
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**** ***** *****Additional help and support
If you are ready to take the next step in seeking help but do not require immediate assistance, below is a list of options to get you started:
- Seek support from trusted family or friends. They can be a source of comfort and guidance, helping you connect with services, whether online or in person or support you in navigating your thoughts and feelings.
- Speak to your GP about how they can help you. GP’s can support you in creating a mental health treatment plan and refer you to local mental health professionals if needed.
- Many people can move through experiences of suicidal thoughts and feelings. Finding North believes in the possibility gained from people’s lived experiences. Below are a a handful of resources were you can can hear others share how they have moved through times of suicidal thoughts and continue to do so.
Stories of Hope. Finding a way through suicidal feelings, Beyond Blue.
Stories of hope, Lifeline.
Resource hub, Roses in the Ocean.
I am worried about someone
Many factors can contribute to someone experiencing thoughts of suicide. Each person is unique, and life events affect us all differently. Listening to a person who has thoughts of suicide is very important and may prevent the need for hospitalisation. If you’re worried about someone, there are services that you can call to discuss your concerns. Calling your local Mental Health Services or helplines can be a good start to finding information and support when you are worried about someone.
Consider participating in Mental Health First Aid, a valuable option that equips you with the skills to recognise and respond to a mental health crisis until professional support can arrive.
Below are some helpful resources for those supporting someone with thoughts of suicide.
Warning Signs
You may be noticing some changes with someone you care about, but are they signs of possible suicidal actions?
- talking about suicide or having thoughts of suicide
- isolating themselves
- giving away their belongings
- extreme changes in their behaviour
For more information, Beyond Blue & Lifeline provide clear information about the warning signs of suicide.
I have lost someone to suicide
If you’ve lost someone to suicide, know that you’re not alone in your grief.
Each person copes with grief in their way. Navigating through challenging emotions and thoughts can be difficult during this time, but support is available. Throughout Australia, there are people you can connect with who are ready to provide both comfort and support during these challenging times.
Support After Loss
Suicide is something that affects too many of us. There are many resources, stories, and research that you can access. This is just a starting point, but it may begin your journey to understanding suicide, available supports, and prevention.
- Finding your way back – A resource for people who have attempted suicide, Beyond Blue.
- Guiding their way back – A resource for people who are supporting someone after a suicide attempt, Beyond Blue.
- Finding our way back – A resource for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples after a suicide attempt, Beyond Blue.